



Shuhua Sports, a leading scientific fitness service in China, was founded in 1996. It Listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2020 (stock code: 605299.SH), Shuhua's total market value is currently at the forefront of the global fitness equipment industry. In 2017, Shuhua was honored as "National Sports Industry Model Company" by the General Administration of Sport of China. From 2017 to 2021, Shuhua was awarded as the "China's Light Industry Fitness equipment industry top ten enterprises" for five consecutive years.


Shuhua adheres to the mission of “bring easy way of fitness into everyone’s life”, promotes “scientific fitness”brand position, and provides professional and intelligent fitness solutions for home, commercial and outdoor space. The products cover home fitness, commercial fitness, national fitness, physical training, fitness for the elderly, campus sports and other solutions products and training services, commercial space props and other fields to provide scientific fitness to all people and space. SHUA always actively promotes digital transformation, and is devoted to building a fitness platform with "hardware, software, course content and professional fitness coaches" and providing comprehensively all-scenario intelligent and all-age fitness solutions. And now, it has established global business covering more than 70 countries and regions, and nearly a thousand online and offline sales and service integration channels.


For many years, SHUA follows the development philosophy of "intelligent products, sports entertainment, and scientific fitness" to improve the user-centered product innovation. Shuhua has been cooperating with Shanghai sports institute, Beijing sports university, Chengdu sports institute, Zhengzhou university sports institute, sports medicine branch of China sports science institute CASM, American society for sports medicine ACSM, TÜV institution and other overseas, and founded national-level advanced lab for sports science and products research. From now on, Shuhua has obtained more than 280 national patent technologies, and led and participated in nearly 30 national and industry standards.


For a long time, Shuhua has been committed to promoting the development of national fitness and the realization of the dream of a powerful sports country. From 2021 to 2022, Shuhua becomes the official fitness equipment supplier for Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Beijing 2022, providing professional and scientific fitness products and services for the fitness centers of the Winter Olympic Villages (Paralympic Village). From 2020 to 2022, Shuhua is the "designated fitness equipment sponsor of Winter Sports Management Center of General Administration of Sport of China", offering the supports for the China Ice Sports development to help the Chinese ice athletes improve their skills . In addition, from 2013 to 2016 and 2021 to 2024, Shuhua has been cooperated with Chinese Olympic Committee for eight years,  providing fitness equipment for China Delegation to win 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics Games, 2016 Rio Summer Olympics,  2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and 2024 Paris Olympic Games. From 2015 to 2023, Shuhua becomes the partner of Chinese Bodybuilding And Fitness Association. In 2017, Shuhua fitness equipment became the designated product for the BRICS Summit in Xiamen. In 2018, Shuhua signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the International Sports Federation for Middle School Students to jointly promote the development of youth sports.


Since its inception, Shuhua actively fulfill corporate social responsibility, promote the concept of scientific movement. Over the years, Shuhua and its share holders donated money and fitness equipment and other goods to China sports foundation, Jinjiang Charity Federation, Quanzhou Taiwan Investment Zone charity federation and other charities and institutions. And now, Shuhua charity foundation worth more than 40 million yuan, supporting public welfare activities and sports poverty alleviation projects, such as "Public Health Run" and "Olympic Athletes Public Service Act", and helping teenagers enjoy fitness and grow health.


Shuhua will continue to support China’s appeal of establishing the strategic target of sports powerful nation and promoting the development of national fitness"as always. With the four strategies of great product, powerful brand, multiple sale-channels, and high efficiency, our company continue to rapidly develop, scientifically reduce costs and promote the brand development internationalization to become an enterprise with ten billion revenue in 2030.

2007 SHULI All Rights Reserver. 湖南舒力健身產業(yè)有限公司 版權所有,禁止非法復制湘ICP備13006328號-1

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